Thursday, September 24, 2015

He's My Brother NOT My Boyfriend!!!!!!

My brother, Austin, is one of my best friends! When I was 7, we adopted the cutest little Guatemalan baby boy in the world! :) Seriously! He was the cutest! I would always dress him up and make him do stupid things (like all good big sisters do)! When he would throw a temper tantrum he would lay on his stomach and bury his head in his folded arms, but he would make no sound! haha It was the cutest thing ever! Sometimes, I would purposefully do stuff to make him upset so he would throw his cute little temper tantrum! haha I know, I know... I'm the worst! But he got me back by spitting up in my mouth... sooo I'd say we're even! As you can tell from the above stories, we weren't the closest ever when we were growing up. (But we sure were cute!!)

He was 11 when I moved to Idaho for school, so I wasn't around for a lot of his growing up years. Moving back home when I transferred to ASU two years ago was one of the best decisions ever because I made a new bestie! We are super close now and we have some really great memories!

We would race go-carts! (I totally kicked his trash! But don't tell him that! haha)

We worked together for a little bit so would eat lunch together all the time! Especially at our fav place, IN-N-OUT!!!

He took me to the Imagine Dragons concert for my bday!!

And I took him to the Summer Ends Music Fest for his bday! (Can you tell we love music?!?)

We ran a 1/2 marathon in May... that was literally the dumbest decision EVER!!!


He would always photobomb my selfies...

If I was lucky, he would still let me dress him up and make him do stupid things :)

And our conversations rarely made sense...

Like all BFF's, we would occasionally match!! Great minds think alike!

And then he received his mission call to serve in the Guatemala Coban Mission!

Luckily we both graduated in May!! Yay!! Class of 2015!! #Twinsies

For our graduation present, our parents took us on a flippin sweet cruise to Mexico, Belize and Honduras! Over the last 2 years, many people have assumed we were dating... I guess it's one of the pitfalls of having a brother/bff that looks nothing like you. On the cruise, there were plenty of photo opportunities. They had canvas backdrops throughout the ship where they would take your picture and charge you out the wazoo if you wanted to remember those totally staged and completely awkward moments. They always tried to pose him and I in super coupley poses... and after a few pictures Austin refused to take any more. Luckily I have some of them! muahaha (I really wanted to get a Titanic pic but he refused! haha jk)


He's in Guatemala now for the next 2 years and I miss my partner in crime! Today, I was preparing a package to send him for his birthday next month and I realized how much I miss the little booger! I am so lucky to have such great siblings! I am convinced that Heavenly Father knew I needed a little extra help in life so he blessed me with 3 amazing best friends as siblings! (That way, when you do something completely stupid, they have no choice but to love you!) After all, siblings make the best of friends!

See ya in 2 years buddy!

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