Thursday, September 10, 2015

Alternate Blog Names

H E L L O   W O R L D!!!!!

So I have finally decided to start a blog! haha I know, I know... It's about time!! Well hopefully this will help me document the crazy happenings in my life and sort through my wandering thoughts. Thanks for wandering with me!

So I had the worlds hardest time trying to figure out what to name my blog! Everyone has creative and punny names for theirs and to be completely honest... that is what stood in my way from becoming a famous blogger and making millions!! I would always get to the point where I wanted to start one and grace the cyber-world with my presence. But what do I title the blog??? So here are the several titles that I thought would make excellent blog names, but somehow decided against them. Enjoy!

Leslie Knope, My Spirit Animal

Harry Potter 8: Harry Potter and His Secret, More Powerful and Beautiful Twin, Whitney

Always Wear Flats and Carry Band-Aids: A Survival Guide for the Complete Klutz

Run It Through: How To Get Bigger Portions at Chipotle For Free

So......(A Needle Pulling Thread)

Totes Sketch: The Life of a Working Woman in Phoenix

Netflix is my Boyfriend: What to do When you are Single and 25

A Spoon Full of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down, And Other Advice Gleaned from Mary Poppins

Twitter-patted: Just Favorite My Tweets Already!

Side Roads: The True Story of How I Avoided the I-10 Shooter

Everything is Awesome: My Life From a Lego Point of View

Can you see why it took me forever to start a blog? Goodness gracious!

Well thanks for wandering with me for a while!


  1. Yay I'm so excited to start reading more about your life! And I love all of your titles ha ha...but I do think Wander with Whitney is a winner :). Hope you're doing well!

  2. Yayy! Finally! Now stalking you became so much easier! ;) jk
