Sunday, May 22, 2016

You Have Got To Be GIFing Me!

For the last several months I was working as a field representative for a state-wide political campaign. I have had many people ask me what it was like to work on a campaign so I figured I would use this blog post to explain my experience.

Life on a campaign as explained through GIF's:

1. The excitement of starting a campaign:
2. Begging people to phone bank:

3. When someone says they can volunteer:
4. When volunteers cancel:
5. When volunteers don't show up for their shifts:

6. When someone shows up for an extra shift they weren't signed up for:
7. When you have to get after volunteers for not making phone calls:
8. When you don't sleep regularly:
9. When you're gaining weight from all the phone bank pizza and soda:

10. You might actually be dying:

11. When you aren't reaching your goals:

12. The nerves before election day:

13. When you win the election:

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