Monday, October 16, 2017

Living My Best Life #30before30

It's been a while since I've written anything... And if I'm being honest, I haven't had much to write about. I know all of my other blog posts have been pretty light and fluffy... but let's have some real talk for a sec. (Don't worry, I'll get to the light happy things in this post as well!)

This last year has basically eaten away at my soul. After a series of unfortunate events, I've looked at my life and realized that my unbalanced lifestyle was chipping away at my happiness. I invested so much of my time in my job and neglected relationships with pretty much everyone else.

A month ago, I allowed my anxiety and stress to consume me. I felt like I had completely lost myself. In an effort take back control of my life, I have decided to return to the things that brought me happiness before. I was recently inspired by a good friend who created a list of 30 things she wanted to accomplish before she turned 30. Some of them were serious life goals (#adulting) and others were just silly things she has always wanted to do (#yolo). In an effort to reclaim my zest for life, I have decided to create a 30 before 30 list. My 30th birthday is coming soon, so I only have a few years to work on this. With that being said, I had to keep my goals pretty realistic (I'll save the other ones for my 40 before 40 list!... ugh... that freaks me out!!).

I want to use this blog to share this journey with you!! So please, wander with me while I check things off my 30 before 30 list!!! (DISCLAIMER: I've had my list compiled for a while now, but I wasn't really doing anything about it. Some of them have already been checked off so I will talk about those ones first.)

1. Grow A Cucumber

Cucumbers are my FAVORITE vegetable!! They are so refreshing and delish! This last March, I was looking for work and realized that it was the perfect time to plant cucumbers in Arizona! Since I had the time to give a young plant some TLC, I decided to give it a shot and plant a garden!

I've only ever tried to grow something once and it was while I was on my mission. I decided I wanted to have a strawberry plant (which is funny because I don't even like strawberries...). I planted a strawberry "bush" in a pot and called him Jerry Berry. I was able to get one strawberry before the plant fell to its death at a gas station in Parker, AZ... and it was soooo sour!! (Which really didn't help my whole not liking strawberries thing...) Since this experiment was such a failure, I assumed I didn't have a green thumb and that this new garden would be an epic disaster.

This was actually really fun! I went to the good ol' Home Depot and picked out a handful of other fruits and veggies that I wanted to grow.

I planted strawberries, tomatoes, zucchini, jalapeƱos, red, yellow and green bell peppers, cilantro, and of course, my beloved cucumbers. (And you better believe I named every single plant!)

Everything grew really well! I had fatty stacks of zucchini coming out the wazoo! Larry the cucumber plant only produced one cucumber... and sadly, it did not taste that great. Everything else in my garden was a smashing success! Next season, I will have to plant cucumbers again. I was really lucky to have a few months where I was doing contract work from home. This allowed me to tend to my garden daily and give it a little extra TLC.



If we live an unhealthy and unbalanced life and neglect the people and things that matter most, our spirit shrivels. This cute little garden of mine reminded me that happiness comes after we put forth the required DAILY effort and a little extra TLC (#treatyoself)!

I'm excited to continue on this #30before30 journey as I strive to live my best life!